"Movement is the language of the brain" - Anat Baniel
"Since starting our ABM treatment we have noticed that our son is happier, has more control over his emotions and is able to express them calmly. He has an increased ability for focus and has more times in his day when he is calm and reflective."
- Shelly
Shelly's son has a diagnosis of Autism
To learn more about Shelly's journey with autism, check out her blog at https://autismlighterside.com/blog/
"The lessons have changed the way I move my body and the way I think when I'm moving whether reaching or bending. I am more thoughtful and natural in my movements in my everyday life now. It has been a positive challenge to let go of old habits that don't benefit my natural body movements. The lessons have also changed my approach to life, I find I am much more inquisitive, curious and observant."
- Ellen
Ellen attends weekly TML classes
"I enjoy going to Sal's classes. The classes really help me to move carefully and it makes me feel so good doing this kind of class. I have to follow instructions and this helps me to think."
- Melanie
Melanie attends weekly TML classes, she is 30Â yrs. old and has Down Syndrome
"For two years we tried classic physiotherapy, and within minutes of the session my daughter would be extremely upset and crying. Then we met Salvatrice, an ABM practitioner who changed our lives. The first session lasted for 35 minutes and my daughter was completely calm and engaged the whole time! Not a single tear shed and you could tell the learning switch had been turned on. We are truly blessed to have your skillful hands guiding my daughters development."
Thank you Salvatrice!
- Hugh Coomber

With newfound studies in modern science, it is undeniable how incredibly beneficial it is to work with the mind and body as one, each having an impact on the other.
NeuroMovement® is rooted in cutting edge science with the deep understanding that the body and mind act as one and by effectively applying this knowledge, one can greatly improve their everyday life and move beyond many conditions.
NeuroMovement® encourages new connections in the brain which it uses to organize itself and to upgrade all forms of movement including thinking and feeling.
NeuroMovement® has significantly enhanced the way many people live their lives. Find out if this method is right for you or a loved one.
4984 Old Brock Rd
Claremont, Ontario
L1Y 1A8
(905) 706-0580